Sunday, November 22, 2009

Living Life.....In Our 60's

Hey Everyone.....I'm BACK!!! It's been awhile since I have posted anything, but my son's have reminded me it's time! This year has been a good one, not easy, but good. I still have my Love in my life and he is doing well. He turned 60 in Oct. and we count our blessing at every year that passes since his stroke. I will turn 60 in Jan. and I look forward to it. We have lots to be thankful for, where do I began? First, I want to give thanks to my parents, for always being there for me, for giving me a firm base to start my life. No parent is perfect, but we try to be fair and when we fall short, we pick ourselves up and try again. My parents are still here and I thank the Lord I have this time with them. It's hard to see their health suffer, but I'm glad I can be there for them. Larry's Mom and friend John are both in bad health, we try to see them once a month, and we always have a great visit with them. This past year has taught me many lessons, I have looked at my life and the things that I have accomplished and feel very grateful for the people in my life, for those that have helped me though some tough times and for those who have been there through the good times, I thank you all. Larry, what can I say, I have loved him for so long, what would I do without him! He's not the same man I married, but we got a second chance to see what is really important, relationships, loved ones, friends. Dad and I are very thankful for our children. All of them living their lives, raising children, and setting examples for our grandchildren. There is no harder job. We love our grandchildren, and love watching them grow and learn new things. Thanks to all our friends who support and give us strength to move forward. Happy Thanksgiving everyone and Merry Christmas, we love you all, thanks for being there for us!

1 comment:

Matt & Mandy Evans said...

When its all said and done, it is all about family and treating each other right. Love you Mom and Dad! Can't wait for the visit this spring!